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Mercury Steamer Free-X 6/4 Thermal Rebound - FTM

Normaler Preis €499,00

inkl. MwSt.

Versand wird beim Checkout berechnet

Color: Black/Blue


The Prolimit Mercury TR free x wetsuit for men, keeps you warm and comfortable during long cold sessions on the water. The suit has thermal rebound technology, this is an extra layer in between the neoprene and zodiac that reflects body heat and blocks wind chill. Besides the tr, the neoprene of the suit is 6mm thick, which makes it one of the warmest wetsuits on the market. Compared to the Mercury free zip this suit has an asymmetrical zip that opens up at one shoulder which makes it a little bit harder to get in, but it also reduces the amount of water from getting in the suit. The seams are taped so they are watertight and protected.

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