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Solar Shield Surfboard Bag

Normaler Preis €75,00

inkl. MwSt.

Versand wird beim Checkout berechnet


72 auf Lager

Experience superior protection and convenience with our ultralight, padded cover designed to safeguard your valuable blade from UV damage. Featuring a full 5mm closed cell padding on both top and bottom, an expandable tail for fin accommodation, and a durable T-Plus material shell, this cover ensures your board stays waxed and free from shatter dings.


  • T-Plus material providing UV protection
  • 5mm closed cell foam top and bottom protection • Side mounted haul handle
  • Expanding tail section to accommodate fins
  • Materials
  • T-Plus tarpaulin
  • Marine grade zipper
  • Closed cell foam


  • 172cm x 56cm (5’6” x 22”)
  • 202cm x 59cm (6’6” x 23”)

*Both can accommodate boards up to 3” thick

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